Eastside Pediatric Dental Group

First Visit (FAQs)

First Visit (FAQs)

As pediatric dentists, we know that many young children may have opinions about their first dental visit. Our additional training and experience have made us quite comfortable with young dental patients. The first visit at age one allows for you and your child to develop a relationship with us. You will have a place to turn to if you have a question or if your child should suffer a dental trauma.

We have training that allows us to evaluate the oral health and development of the mouth and face for children of all ages. We will make recommendations regarding timing for orthodontic care and for other appropriate intervention, establish relationships, provide education, and identify problems.

Both the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry and the American Academy of Pediatrics recognize early childhood cavities as a health problem affecting a significant number of children. We recommend that a child see a dentist at one year of age or six months after the first tooth comes into the mouth. Establishing a relationship with a pediatric dentist, or a dental home, allows for parental education and early identification and treatment of tooth related problems, which will minimize the potential for lengthy and costly treatment in the future.

If your child is older than one year of age, this is a great time to schedule the first dental visit. We will often recommend that your child have dental check-ups every six months, but we will tailor this time frame based on your child’s specific needs.

Your child’s first dental visit with our office will be an experience that we tailor to your child’s needs. If it is their first ever dental visit at a young age, the visit typically consists of an examination, discussion of findings and any treatment needs, demonstration of proper hygiene techniques and education for the parent regarding proper oral health and hygiene.

If you feel that your child will do better with preparation prior to the visit, please call our office at (425) 392-4048 for the most age-appropriate guidance.

If your child has been a patient at another office and this is the first visit with us, we will plan on cleaning the teeth, discussing hygiene, and doing an examination.  When necessary, we will provide tips on how to improve hygiene, take X-rays, and discuss our findings and any treatment needs.

We invite parents into the treatment area. If you would prefer to stay in the reception area, we will take great care of your child.

To help make your child comfortable, we will first use a ‘tell-show-do’ technique, which helps us introduce your child to the dental tools.

If treatment is necessary, we can utilize this same technique and when appropriate and necessary consider sedation or hospital dentistry.

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