Eastside Pediatric Dental Group
Non-nutritive sucking is considered normal in the first few years of life. Thumb or digit sucking and use of a pacifier may be soothing to your child. The frequency, duration, and strength of the sucking reflex can cause alterations in jaw shape and tooth position. The severity of these changes will determine whether self-correction will occur with cessation of the habit and the eruption of the permanent teeth or if orthodontic intervention will be necessary in the future.
One should consider the following when selecting a pacifier:
Safe Pacifier Usage:
The need to suck is present even before we are born. Many will suck their thumb for a short time and will self-wean before or during the preschool years. If your child does not self-wean by four years old, suggestions for stopping will be discussed with you. It is important to not pressure your child into quitting; rather, offer words of praise when the child is not sucking and allow stopping to be their decision. Suggest activities that will engage your child if the thumb-sucking habit is now due to boredom. Remember, changes in family structure and dynamics or changes to routine may contribute to continuation of the habit.
Studies report that 15-33% of children grind their teeth. It can begin when a child is very young when the nerve/muscle complex is immature and will usually disappear as your child matures and begins to get more permanent teeth. Grinding while sleeping or during a change in depth of sleep is most common. Most grinding will stop without intervention.
For most, biting the nails, cheeks, and/or lips is just a bad habit. When this is constant and severe, these biting habits may be a sign of anxiety or compulsive behavior. Treatment may include behavioral therapy to help your child stop the biting habit.
We all experience periods where we are unable to breathe through our nose. Many times this change from nasal to mouth breathing occurs secondary to a nasal airway obstruction. This can be from allergies, illness, large adenoid tissue, and anatomical variations.
Some professionals debate the effects that chronic mouth breathing may have on the growth of the face. It is believed that chronic mouth breathing may result in a longer and more narrow face. We do know that mouth breathing can dry the mouth out which contributes to bad breath and makes it easier for plaque to accumulate on teeth.
We look forward to meeting you and your family. If you have any questions, contact us at (425) 392-4048, email us, or request an appointment.
Monday: 8am – 5pm
Tuesday: 8am – 5pm
Wednesday: 8am – 5pm
Thursday: 8am – 5pm
Friday: Closed
*We are closed from 12pm – 1pm every day.